Where did you grow up?

I was born in Boise, Idaho, but raised in a small rural town in Idaho.

What was your childhood like?

I was raised on a large dairy, and spent my summers mowing yards, working as a beekeeper, and my winters playing basketball.  We lived out in the middle of nowhere, so you had to learn to entertain yourself.  The ditch water never killed us, the butter left on the countertop dish never made us sick  I listened to a lot of Journey, AC DC

When did you decide to become a writer?  Why?

This is probably the most interesting twist in my life.  After I had been divorced for a couple years, I went to counseling.  My counselor recommended that I not date, and that I do something for myself…something I wanted to always do like learn pottery, a language, a musical instrument or something.  I had a movie idea in my head that had been there for over 10 years, so I decided to write the screenplay for it.  Eventually it became a novel and other story ideas started flowing out of me.  It is amazing to me how just taking a few moments of life to breathe allowed something to change my life so much.

What is your favorite topic to write about?

The topics that seem to draw me in are history, romance and things outside the box.  When I say history, I mean stories that drift back and forth in history and when I say romance, I do not mean anything with a shirtless cowboy on the cover.  More of a story with a true love angle in it.

How long does it take to write a book?

It all depends on work schedule.  In a perfect world I could have a novel’s first draft completed in about 4 months.

How many books have you published?

At the current time, 3 books.  2 that contain stories and one that is full of quotes.

What is the process you use to write a book?

The writing process for me includes a pen, yellow legal pad of paper, some classical music and a movie that begins playing in my head.  That is how each writing session starts.  I had write each chapter then type it into my existing word file once I am done each night.

What do you use for inspiration to write?

Inspiration comes to me in the form of everyday events.  I see things that trigger a reaction in my brain and then I begin processing it until a story idea takes form.  The most important thing to do next is to write it down immediately.  For every great idea I have had, one has disappeared because I didn’t write it down.

What writer do you like to read?

My favorite writer is Pat Conroy.  He paints a beautiful picture.

What books have shaped your writing style?

I wouldn’t say that there are books that I write like.  Maybe, and I repeat maybe, I write along the lines of Nicholas Sparks, but I am my own person and my writing encompasses a lot of my personality.  I am a history nerd, a romantic, a bit on the funny side, and can be serious when I need to be.  That is how I write.  I grew up reading the Hardy Boys and some Nancy Drew books.  I have always loved a great treasure hunt.  Pat Conroy’s “Beach Music” and “South of Broad” impacted me greatly.  “Jacob the Baker” by Noah benShea to me is a must read for everyone.

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