The Empty Gardenby Kevin Hansen

The Empty Garden | Author Kevin Hansen | Boise, ID
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Rachel is a simple woman that lives a simple life. Most days are exact replicas of the day before, with the temperature being the only thing that changed. One day her life would change forever, as her daily routine would flip upside down, with her not knowing how to feel about that. The Empty Garden tells the story of what can happen when life changes even if you are comfortable with status quo, but what amazing things are in store for us when we force ourselves out of the ruts of our daily existence and start traveling down the road rarely travelled.

Book Preview

It was a late afternoon and the heat of the day was unbearable, especially for a mid-June day in Idaho. A 1974 Ford Pickup drove steadily down the dry powdered road with no air conditioning, the side window opened bringing in at least some air flow. The radio was silent as the pickup came to a stop and then it happened.....

Book Inspirations

I grew up in rural Idaho, on a dirt road, very similar to the one that Rachel lived on. It was quiet and slow paced, and dusty and busy. It smelled fresh and clean, but could also smell unbearable. It just depended on which direction the wind might be blowing. The place where I grew up had the unique features of being able to see as two farmers ready to pass each other while driving down the road, might slow down, park in the middle of the road, roll their windows down, turn off their engines and just talk to each other through their windows. It was also the place that my best friend and I had memorized the waves of everyone in the community that they would use when passing another vehicle on the road. There was the Army salute, the one finger extension from the top of the steering wheel, not to be confused by the 4 finger wave with the thumb still gripping the wheel. Others used the Uncle Sam finger point and some just nodded their head up, or nodded it down. It was a much simpler life, especially for a boy from birth through graduating high school. This story combines my memories of specific images that molded who I am today, along with others that aren’t as memorable, but still have made an impression on my path.