The Space between the Notesby Kevin Hansen

The Pace Between the Notes | Author Kevin Hansen | Boise, ID
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Coming soon!


It was just a simple one room chapel that sat peacefully along the coast of New England, but it had the power to change lives. Inside the chapel doors the old oak benches could tell the stories of multiple generations of parishioners who had walked into through its doors and then left with their hearts and souls changed forever. Henry and Rae would have never imagined the chain of events and life changing affect that their wedding would have, especially on complete strangers. But that is what happens when true love spreads and the wave that it creates turns into a tsunami called HOPE.

Book Preview

It was on one of those dastardly cold days of winter when a young widow had brought her 3 young boys to church. Their father and her husband has been killed while off fighting in the south against the Confederates during the Civil War. She was often late to service and on this particular Sunday as she opened....

Book Inspirations

There are moments in our lives when everything in the universe lines up, making it impossible for us to miss the message that is intended …just for us. The Space Between the Notes, is one such moment for me. Combine an unbelievable story I had heard 20 years ago with events that had begun to unravel in my own life and the force of this story was impossible to stop. With the subjects of this story being old oak benches in a hundreds of year old church, wedding vows, and the undeniable power of HOPE it was a can’t miss story. I give to you, The Space Between the Notes.